Dragoian Universe Wiki

A typical Ancient Dragoian Female.

"We aren't the same species? Impossible!" A Dragoian scientist after talking to re-awakened Ancient Dragoians.

Ancient Dragoians are the ancient native DragonKin of Dragoia (Planet). Their average lifespan is around 1500 years.


The Ancient Dragoians are an all-female species of DragonKin that are, on average, around 10ft tall. It is a well known fact among the Ancient Dragoians that the Dragoian species is another species, although due to their extremely similar appearance and ability to breed with one another, the Ancient Dragoians simply called themselves female Dragoians. They only revealed to the Dragoians in 2031 that they were a separate species, although due to disbelief, a quick meeting decided that they may as well carry on with their old illusion to save on effort. The main distinctions, both visual and genetic, between Dragoian and Ancient Dragoian are the Dragoian's complete lack of hair and comparatively much larger irises.

The Ancient Dragoians unified as a species in -47,956 and had developed basic space flight capabilities 3265 years later in -44,691, deciding to move their civilisation on their homeworld underground a few centuries later once establishing enough off world colonies to house the bulk of their kind, effectively resetting Dragoia (Planet) back to a more primitive age as a way not only for their own kind seeking a simpler existence to have one, but also to allow the Dragoian species a chance to grow on their own. General galactic opinion of the Ancient Dragoians was good, considering them both friendly and helpful, allowing them to stay out of major wars for the most part, with The 300 Year Conflict of -38,208 to late -37,908 being considered to be their only major interstellar war.

A major presence in the Ancient Dragoian's history is from the Dralkyrian Order, an elite group of completely neutral warriors trained from birth to be both elite warriors, but also the most respectable members of society. An individual from the Dralkyrian Order is called a Dralkyria. The Dralkyrian Order is widely regarded as being the main reason the Ancient Dragoians managed to unify as a species.

The Ancient Dragoian species were almost wiped out by the Soul Dragons in -37,827, although around 10,000 members of the species were put into stasis in a massive off-world underground facility built during The 300 Year Conflict. These Ancient Dragoians in stasis were re-awakened in 2031 by a team of Dragoian scientists who stumbled onto the facility by accident while establishing off-world colonies, having detected a faint power source believed at the time to be a large deposit of Soul Crystals.


Skin Type: Scales.

Colour Range: Ancient Dragoians are single colour and range from pale grey to medium grey.

Eyes: Ancient Dragoian eye colours are commonly a shade of purple, pink, blue, green, brown or grey with a bright red found only on Dralkyria who have had their eyes altered. Ancient Dragoian eyes have a small large iris with a slit pupil.

Heads: Ancient Dragoians have large, very angular heads which mount 2 small cuboid horns which contain the ears (a single scale missing on the outer side of each horn) and very flat, almost lipless jaws with exposed teeth. Unlike the Dragoian species, Ancient Dragoians have hair.

Bodies: Ancient Dragoian bodies are very similar to that of humans although lacking human genitalia and are generally more bulky with large broad shoulders and have large, 4 toe feet.

Tongue: Ancient Dragoians have a short, single rounded tongue.


Ancient Dragoian technology primarily relies on non-digital means, this has it's benefits, as Ancient Dragoian technology is completely immune to ElectroMagnetic radiation. Digital systems do exist, although their use is for non-critical systems typically of a purely domestic nature, such as entertainment devices.

In terms of appearance, Ancient Dragoian technology is similar to 1980s-1990s Earth, although the technology itself is far superior.

Ancient Dragoian military technology is considered superior to most species, having powerful portable shield units and combination firearms which shroud an accelerated metal shot in an energy bolt. The most impressive infantry weapon is a heavy particle beam cannon and powerful portable shield unit used solely by the Dralkyria.

Genetics technology exists and is considered to be some of the finest in the Dragoian Home Galaxy, able to manipulate DNA to create Dragoian-Dragon hybrids almost to design as well as clone DNA and create near perfect clones of long-dead Dragoians and Ancient Dragoians. As with nearly everything related to modifying DragonKin genetics, most of these methods rely on implanting the modified DNA into an unhatched or unborn subject.

The Ancient Dragoians also have impressive implant technology, ranging from the relatively simple and cheap strength increasing implants that primarily supress pain related to exertion, all the way up the expensive and often rejected Dralkyria implants, which involve a complicated process of editing living DragonKin genetics to permanently supercharge the subject's innate regeneration, agility and strength.

Perhaps the most well known piece of Ancient Dragoian technology is the Wormhole Ring, a device designed in -39,506 to transport people and small equipment across vast distances in milliseconds, providing a Ring is located at both the current location and the destination. These rings were built in great quantities with the goal of placing one on every habitable planet in the Dragoian Home Galaxy, with many being gifted to the Ancient Dragoian's neighbours to help spread them. By modern times, most of the rings have lost power for one reason or another, or have been damaged badly, preventing them being used. However, several human civilisations of various levels of technological development are known to still utilise them.


Due to their huge technological advancement over the Dragoian species during their pre-stasis times, Ancient Dragoians either lived a normal lifestyle off-world, or a simple lifestyle with the Dragoian species with only a concealed emergency radio for technology. The advanced Ancient Dragoian culture on the homeworld lived underground in secret bunkers, with the largest being the Wormhole Ring Facility, which is also the seat of the military and certain Dralkyria

Due to this split nature, each colony has it's own independent leader, with the most powerful being House Draxel. However, these colonies all fall under the same laws and policing forces as well as regular visits by Dralkyria to ensure order is kept. Prior to their extinction, there were 59 Ancient Dragoian colonies (60 including the homeworld), some being heavily populated and covered in large cities, while some were almost untouched.

The policy making takes place on the homeworld, with each colony leader being present and a Dralkyria presiding over the meeting to make sure no crippling laws are passed. Military command is also based on the homeworld despite the inability to actually perform any real action's on most of the surface for fear of being seen by the more primitive species.

Due to having no direct leader, the choice of who to have as chief of military, etc, is made by the 5 most experienced Dralkyria, with the reasoning of letting the Dralkyria decide being down to their neutral status, the respect felt towards them by almost all of the Ancient Dragoian species, and the general consensus that the Dralkyria are there to protect all Ancient Dragoians, not just one colony.

As Homeworld Ancient Dragoians lived below the surface to keep their technology secret, most of these facilities were lost when Dragoia (Planet) was reformed by the Soul Dragons. Heavy shielding and hidden entrances buried due to evacuation protocols makes looking for the facilities, either from space or the ground, near impossible. With lots of planning based on old maps and a central location (the Imperial City), certain facilities can be found due to the Imperial City's location placing it directly above the Wormhole Ring Facility.


While all Ancient Dragoians are stronger than a Dragoian, those with proportionally larger breasts are stronger than those with proportionally smaller breasts. Some Ancient Dragoian technology is so heavy, that not even those with large busts can use it without strength increasing implants. An example of this technology is the kit used by Heavy soldiers, as a result, all Heavy soldiers have large breasts and are also given strength increasing implants.


Like the Dragoian species, the Ancient Dragoians reproduce via eggs in a "Hand-stabber" style. To create the egg, blood must be shared from a surface vein running directly below the scale in the middle of the palm. This scale can be lifted somewhat painfully to allow access to the vein, the 2 bonding Ancient Dragoians then jab the poking up scale into the other's vein causing the blood to mix, if the blood mix is compatible (A few Ancient Dragoians are born with blood that cannot be used to reproduce) then a few weeks later, one or both of the partners will lay an egg, which will take around 7 months to hatch. The child from the egg starts with scales, which grow with the child. The child also bears small less pointed fangs than an adult, and has considerably larger eyes than an fully matured Ancient Dragoian of the same size would, while limbs such as legs and arms are also proportionally shorter.

Notable Ancient Dragoians

Algranian - Ancient Dragoian - Androgian - Ancient Selde - Ayvoid - Dragoian - Dragonian - Drakeian - Drakgnon - Drakon - Fawdraxan - Fevire - Heldragnan - Human - Hydrian - Kandragian - Leviathan - Sealachan - Selde - Shadraxian - Shadraxian Food Dragon - Sould - Tidroinian